Guests have the opportunity to stay on the property at Troutbeck!

There still rooms available, and we would love to have you stay close by. If interested, please email to book your rooms!

Please note, if you wish to stay at on property, Troutbeck requires a 2-night stay (Friday and Saturday night). However, if you are unable to stay both nights, please let us know!

Troutbeck recommends booking rooms via email, but if you prefer to call, please ask for Cecilia or Joy. Troutbeck’s phone number is 845-789-1555.

MORe accommodations in the area

Sharon Country Inn

1 Calkinstown Road, Sharon, CT 06069


The Sharon Country Inn is a 5 minute drive from Troutbeck.

When inquiring about reservations, please ask for the Brody Room Block (Code: BRODY) so they are aware you are here for our wedding.

You are welcome to stay elsewhere, but shuttles to and from Troutbeck will only stop at Sharon Country Inn.